Namaste 🙏, I'm Sudhendra Kambhamettu.

I am an eternal champion of exploration who embodies a free flow of ideas; set out to build & break things for the fun of it.
  • Career Perspective 🎓

    I'm an AI Product developer with over 2 years of experience developing products and services. I am currently a Graduate student pursuing MS in Artificial Intelligence @ Northeastern University. I got my start into technology through robotics as a kid and currently my itch is with AI and the potential it carries in bringing about radically revolutionary social ideas. I toy around with a lofty goal of achieving AGI or to bend it to serve humanity (Super-Alignment) and its role/implication in a modernist and post modernist era. I've had the pleasure of working with extremely talented people across the world taking on different challenges in AI from creating a completely no-code AI experience, deep techincal research building Universal encoders to working at the bleeding edge intersection of AI and genomics.

    Needless to say, many experiences throughout my career have shaped me into who I am and how I think about the world today.

    Research Papers I am reading 📖

    Some Notable Achievements 🏅

    My Sisyphus Dreams

